---Introducing the new line of weathered school uniforms in the Smart Doll “Post Apocalyptic High School” series.
I liked the school uniforms that we previously made but they didn’t fit into our weathered Wabi-Sabi design philosophy - they were too clean and screamed “don’t get me dirty!” The solution was to design school uniforms in a weathered look. This set is made up of a jacket, shirt and skirt - do note that the dog tags, boots, boot cuffs, bag, floor, sky or any of the buildings in the photos are not included.
The design retains its school girl appeal without screaming bright anime colors and looks great as casual wear too - the jacket can be worn with a pair of jeans and the skirt with a T-shirt.
In a post apocalyptic scenario, its important that students attend school so that the human race can continue to pass on knowledge to the next generation. School girls are issued with a uniform that protects the wearer by absorbing radiation which is why it slowly becomes Wabi-Sabi (weathered). The absorbed radiation is then channeled into a mask like device called the Quantum Shield where it is defused and converted into an energy source known as Smartanium.
First introduced back in March 2019 , the Post Apocalyptic uniform has taken a while to deploy due to the amount of processes involved. Tailored in Iwakuni Japan, the 3 piece set is then sent to our Gotanda HQ for a rigorous QC. The jacket and skirts that make the cut then get sent to one of our vendors in Okayama where they go through a bio stone wash followed by sanding of the edges to create a used weathered look. The jacket and skirt then comes back to Tokyo where we need to remove as much sand as possible before packing them.
So far the uniform has been field tested in Sequoia National Park and Iceland as you can see from the photo pool.
The uniform goes great with any of our , . The Millennium Boots and go great with the uniform too. Note that the loops on the back of the jacket are there to stop the strap of bags falling off the shoulder. Only fits S bust.|スマートドールの世紀末高校制服シリーズ始動。ジャケット、シャツとスカートの3点セットになり、ドッグタグやブーツ、ブーツカフス、カバン、地面、空や建物は含まれていません。ジャケット単体はジーパンにも、スカート単体はTシャツにも似合います。